NEW - Preparatory courses for primary school students and the public

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Like 📣 a complete novelty 📣 we have prepared a preparatory course for pupils of the 5th year of primary school for the entrance exams to multi-year grammar schools 🧑🎓 and for pupils of the 9th year of primary school a course for the entrance exams to secondary schools 🧑🎓.

We are now offering courses for the public 👨🏫 English, Spanish, Czech for foreigners and the Teaching Assistant course.

Applications for courses and further information can be found at

Summer training courses 2024

We offer SUMMER EDUCATION COURSES for potential applicants from the general public, our current and future students !!! 1) Intensive English course with

Gastronomic French lessons

The last French lesson of this school year, which took place last week, was a surprise. The teacher took the opportunity to say goodbye to the pupils