Christmas in the World exhibition at the Digital Academy

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December 24 - Christmas Eve. The house smells of Christmas, on the table prepared carp and potato salad on the table, a decorated tree waiting for presents in the living room. from Santa Claus. We all seem to be clear about Czech Christmas traditions.

But how is Christmas celebrated in the world? Would you know what he had Santa's original color? What makes up the traditional cake in Malta or what traditions take place in Spain? The students of the 1A Digital Academy tracked down this information for you. As part of the course "Managing an Event" they prepared an exhibition for primary 2 pupils called Christmas in the World. The exhibition took place in the school building in Kutná Hora in Malina from 19th to 21st December 2022.

Students formed groups and each team chose a country, to represent. The students had the choice of the country to which the school was hosting exchange visits and internships abroad. These countries were Malta, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Students worked on the preparation of the stands in their free time after for three weeks. Each group chose a different approach and a different treatment of their theme. Spain, for example, took the digital technology route, presenting a short video, Ireland scored with an interactive approach, Malta intrigued students with with a clear visualisation. Some countries even had small competitions with prizes.

Each tour of the exhibition was concluded with carols, a quiz and a short chat. The pupils who visited the exhibition had the opportunity to give the students and Digital Academy teachers feedback from the event. The exhibition was rated 1 by all participating primary school students.

The Digital Academy students themselves enjoyed the project very much. Most of all However, they appreciated the interaction with younger students and the opportunity to present their work to others.

"I am very pleased with the positive reviews that have we received from the participants. I am glad that visitors from primary schools enjoyed the event. schools, as well as our organizing students. We are planning to expand with two more classes next year, so the exhibition could be richer with a few more countries." said the school principal Mgr. Kateřina Tvrdík Exnerová. "We hope that next year we will be visited by other schools next year and it will become a Christmas school tradition. Because to please others, is true for both Czech and foreign Christmases."

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