Unified Entrance Examination 2023

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The single entrance examination is a compulsory part of the first round of the admission procedure for all matriculation courses except for courses with a talent examination (Gymnasium with sports training) and shortened study courses pursuant to Section 85 of the Education Act.

Update on the overall format of the admission procedure.

When do I need to apply?

For the first round of the admission procedure, a candidate for education in a field with a matriculation examination may apply for up to two secondary schools or two matriculation fields (or vocational fields of study in the same field according to the school education programme) within one secondary school. In addition to the two applications listed above, applicants may also submit up to two applications for the first round of the admissions procedure for subjects with a talent test. In total, therefore, we can in the first round admission procedure Submit to four Applications (however, a candidate may still take the single entrance exam a maximum of twice). 

Application deadlines

  • until 30 November 2022 for education fields with a talent test (application form with blue underprint) 
  • until 1 March 2023 for fields of education without a talent test (applications with pink, green and brown underprint)

When will the single entrance exam take place?

The Unified Entrance Examination will be held on dates set by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Didactic tests in Czech language and literature and mathematics will be held in the school year 2022/2023 will konat in mid-April, alternative dates in the first half of May.

Four-year and post-baccalaureate courses 13 April 2023 14 April 2023 10 May 2023 11 May 2023
Branches of six-year and eight-year grammar schools 17 April 2023 18 April 2023

If applicants submit two applications for courses with a single entrance examination, they may take the tests on two dates, namely in the 1st term at the school they listed first on the application form and in the 2nd term at the school they listed second on the application form (the order of schools does not indicate a preference for the school, only the date of the exam). If a candidate submits only one application for the field of study in which the single entrance examination is held, he/she may take the single entrance examination only once. 

If the applicant applies by 30 November 2022 for the Gymnasium with Sports Preparation course(s) (blue underprint on the application form) and submits a further application(s) for the course(s) with a single entrance examination by 1 March 2023, he/she will take the single entrance examination at the school(s) where he/she is applying for the Gymnasium with Sports Preparation course. This rule applies even if the applicant fails to pass the talent test at the sports grammar school.

Submitting an apology

If candidates cannot attend the tests on the proper date (e.g. due to illness, etc.), they may apologize to the principal of the secondary school. If the school principal accepts the apology, candidates may take the test on an alternative date.


Uniform tests

The single entrance examination consists of two written tests: the Czech Language and Literature and from Mathematics. There are different versions of the tests for four-year education (including extension courses), for six-year grammar schools and for eight-year grammar schools. The maximum possible score in the mathematics and Czech language and literature tests is 50 points. There is no centrally set minimum pass rate, but schools can set their own minimum pass rate as part of the admissions criteria.

Specification of requirements

The tests do not contain anything above Framework curriculum for primary education for each year of education. Therefore, a good mastery of the primary school curriculum should be sufficient for successful completion. 

Specification of requirements for each test for the last school year

To get a better idea of the form and content of the tests and tasks, you can also use the tests from previous years in PDF format or a web application that allows you to practice the tests.

Test assignments to practice.

Time limit and permitted aids

The time limit for the Czech language and literature test is 60 minutes, the math test is reserved 70 minutes

Permitted aids only blue or black writing pencils (no eraser pens or markers can be used) for tests, plus a regular pencil and drawing utensils for math. It is forbidden to use dictionaries, Czech spelling rules, calculators or mathematical and physical tables during the exam.

Czech Language and Literature 60 minutes Blue or black writing pencil
Mathematics 70 minutes Blue or black writing pencil, regular pencil and drawing utensils

Modifications to the terms and conditions

Applicants with special educational needs

Applicants shall special educational needswho have submitted a recommendation from the school counselling centre together with their application form, have the time limit for the tests extended in accordance with the information in the recommendation. 

Modifications to admission conditions.

Long-term learners abroad

Persons with Czech or foreign citizenship who have received their previous education at a school outside the Czech Republic are, at their request, given an entrance examination in the Czech language during the admissions procedure pursuant to Section 20(4) of the Education Act, if it is part of the entrance examination. 

Information on modifications to the test conditions.

Foreigners by Lex Ukraine

Foreigners according to § Section 1(1) of Act No. 67/2022 Coll. the Czech language exam (i.e. also the didactic test of the Unified Entrance Examination in Czech Language and Literature), if it is a part of the entrance examination, will be screened at their request. The school will verify the person's knowledge of the Czech language, which is necessary for education in the field of study in question, by means of an interview. On the basis of the application form attached to the application form, the foreigner has the right to take the written test of the single entrance examination in the field of Mathematics and its applications in Ukrainian language.

Measures of a general nature of the Ministry of Education - Admission Procedure under Lex Ukraine

Evaluation of the exam

If a single entrance examination is held in a given field of education, it is only one part of the admission procedure. When deciding whether to admit a candidate to education, schools also take into account other criteria, such as the results of previous education, the results of school entrance examinations or interviews, placement in various competitions and Olympiads, etc. However, in accordance with Article 1(7) of Decree No 353/2016 Coll., secondary schools cannot assess the grades on the report card for the second half of the 2019/2020 school year in the admission procedure.

The assessment of the single entrance examination shall contribute at least to the overall assessment of the fulfilment of the admission criteria 60 %; in the case of admission to the Gymnasium with sports training at least 40 %. The school always takes into account the result of the admission procedure only a better result a test in the relevant subject.

Applicants for secondary schoolwho apply for a waiver of the Czech language admission test, only the better result in the mathematics test will be included in the overall result of the admission procedure in addition to the school criteria.

The Centre will make available to the school principal the evaluation of candidates in the single entrance examination 28 April 2023. The Head of School will complete the evaluation of the admission procedure and publish the list of admitted applicants within 2 working days of the Centre's availability of the evaluation of applicants.

The Centre provides the results of the Common Entrance Examination to secondary schools only. The principal of the secondary school decides how the results will be provided to the candidates or their legal representatives.

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ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2023/2024 (1,87 MB) The principal of the secondary school prepares an annual report on the school's activities for the previous school year and sends it to the founder

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